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Frequently Asked Questions

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Is there nicotine in HealthVape products? HealthVape products DO NOT CONTAIN any nicotine, tobacco, THC, or cannabinoids. Our mission is to help people kick harmful nicotine habits with a positive alternative.
Are HealthVape products safe to use? Here are just some of the steps we take to ensure that our products are safe: We formulate our proprietary ingredients in an ISO certified and RoHS/SGS compliant laboratory. HealthVape products do not contain diacetyl (the ingredient linked to "popcorn lung"), or acetyl propionyl. We DO NOT use cutting agents (like vitamin E acetate) emulsifiers, or any synthetic agents that alter our proprietary formulations. Our devices are very low power, which means they don't burn or overheat the materials like many large devices can. Our ingredients are to USP and/or food-grade standards. Our hardware is made in ISO certified clean rooms and is RoHS, SGS and CE certified.
How does HealthVape work? Each device contains a liquid vitamin concentrate that is warmed at a low temperature to create a breathable vapor. You activate the heating mechanism when you inhale, and then you breathe in the vitamin-infused vapor. The warming of the liquid concentrate is set at an optimal temperature, producing vitamin-infused vapor can then be inhaled and absorbed through the mucus membranes in your mouth, nose and throat.
How long should my HealthVape last? It depends on the user, because everyone inhales the vapor differently. Each disposable device should last between 450-500 inhalations. If you only use it occasionally, it can last 1-3 weeks. If you use it less often, depending on the variety you choose, it may last longer. The SOOTHE, when used only nightly before bed can last up to a month. The pod 4-packs should produce approximately 800 inhalations.
Can I recharge the disposable inhalers? We made the disposable pens with the goal in mind of not having to recharge them. Just grab a new one when it’s empty.
Can I travel with my HealthVape? Of course, this is the best part of HealthVape. Pursue a healthy lifestyle and all your wanderlust while taking your vitamin inhaler with you. Always put it in your carry-on, not your checked luggage. But don’t use it on the plane. The airlines don’t like that!
Can I recharge the disposable inhalers? We made the disposable pens with the goal in mind of not having to recharge them. Just grab a new one when it’s empty.
I’ve seen other brands say you should not fully inhale the vapor produced by their ‘essential oil diffuser’ vapes. Is it safe to inhale the vapor from HealthVape products? HealthVape products contain no harmful ingredients and no fillers like vitamin e acetate, no diacetyl, no diketones, and no acetyl propionyl and acetoin. Our vitamin-infused concentrates are delivered through an oil-free, water-soluble carrier base made up of organic vegetable glycerin (VG) which is a vegetable based liquid and propylene glycol (PG) which is commonly used to carry flavor in food products.
Is propylene glycol safe to inhale? We use GRAS, ISO certified ingredients to ensure your safety. The propylene glycol ingredient has been used in food and consumable items for over 50 years, and it is GRAS approved by the FDA. Various studies have been conducted which have shown that "...PG does not appear to pose a significant hazard via inhalation of either the vapor or a vapor/aerosol mixture. In addition, this study also supports previous studies indicating that propylene glycol is not a systemic toxin when administered by inhalation or by other routes." HealthVape devices warm the organic vegetable glycerin and glycol in the water-soluble base at a low temperature to maintain the integrity of the vitamins and supplements. Click here to view the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Title 21 information. Due to its density, a carrier base that is 100% VG is very thick and heavy and difficult to inhale and exhale effectively. This is why we use a VG/PG blend which is more enjoyable.
Any warnings about HealthVape use? Don’t leave it in a hot area, like your car when it’s over 75 degrees.
How will I know when my HealthVape pen is fully used? The indicator light will flash 3 times and the device will not produce any more vapor. Be sure you have your next one ready to go so you'll never run out!
How fast might I absorb the active ingredients? The absorption rate can be almost immediate, since you inhale the ingredient-infused vapor through our device. The ingredients do not have to be absorbed through your digestive tract, but rather through the mucus membranes in your mouth, nose and throat.
Are there age restrictions for purchasing HealthVape? HealthVape inhalers are not intended for persons under 18 years of age. While our products are completely safe to use, we do not wish to encourage the hand-to-mouth habit that may lead to unhealthy habits, like smoking.
What temperature does the HealthVape warm the vitamin liquid to? The device warms the liquid to about 240°F or 115°C.
Are HealthVape ingredients Kosher? Yes, our ingredients are Kosher, and contain no dairy or any animal products at all. While they are not certified Kosher, our ingredients are made in an SGS-ISO certified cleanroom.
Is the packaging discreet? Yes. We ship all orders in plain boxes and bags with non-descriptive return address information.


How long will my order take to arrive? Orders are processed within 1-2 business days, orders received before 12:00 PM PST will usually be shipped that business day - note that this processing period is NOT accounted for in the estimated shipping time. The ESTIMATED shipping time at checkout refers to AFTER the package is received by the carrier, and is not guaranteed as each carrier can experience delays. If you choose the 'free domestic shipping' option, your package should arrive 2-5 days from the ship date, depending on your part of the country. The 'Priority' option should arrive 1-3 days after the ship date. Please note that actual transit time is subject to possible delays beyond our control. International orders will take longer, typically 1-2 weeks in most cases. We recommend ordering from an international distributor if possible.
Where do you ship? We ship anywhere in the United States and most other countries. If you are not sure, please be sure to email us before placing your order.
Can I track my order? Yes! We’ll send you an email or text once your order is on the way. When checking out, you can submit your email to receive tracking information and delivery status. If you do not receive this information in a timely manner, please email us at and we’ll make you our top priority.
This all sounds great, but what if I'm just not happy with my purchase? We aren't happy if you're not happy, so if you are unsatisfied with your HealthVape experience, simply let us know (email is the best way) within 30 days of your order. Depending on the circumstance, we can issue a refund or replacement if applicable. This is a big deal - most of the other brands in this space do not offer refunds if you've opened the box, and even if you have not opened the box, you are still charged a restocking fee, and the return period is usually only 15 days.


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